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          At CSEG, we are leading the way with our new cloud-based service, PowertrainLive, which is an innovative virtual vehicle modeling software for vehicle-level fuel economy and impact assessment. The automotive industry is seeing a shift towards sophisticated electronic systems, digital-based services, and cutting-edge powertrains. With PowertrainLive, automotive OEMs and Tier 1s can virtually test these new components in a quick, cost-efficient manner, allowing for better understanding of how these components will affect the vehicle-level performance and environmental impacts.


Any Software GUI Can Talk to the PowertrainLive Solver

The graphical user interface (GUI) of PowertrainLive is completely decoupled from the analysis solver and communicates with it using a set of APIs. These APIs allow  changing of every single variable in each subsystem. Over hundred of them. The complete de-coupled implementation and APIs mean that any CAE’s GUI can be used to communicate with PowertrainLive’s solver. So, if you are not interested in changing your company’s CAE tools but would like to incorporate PowertrainLive’s modeling capabilities, PowertrainLive’s unique architecture allows the solver to bring drive cycle modeling capability to your current tools.


Global Teams Need a Global Accessibility

Being web-based, PowertrainLive is easily accessible on any device connected to the internet. With the analysis engine and data housed on a dedicated AWS server, PowertrainLive allows for multiple users to be working together on the same model without having to send files and analysis results back and forth. PowertrainLive addresses the needs of global businesses with its SaaS and cloud-based structure, allowing for team members anywhere to work on the same projects in real time and providing access to the same models, inputs, and results.


Cloud-Based Means Freedom from Licensing Complexities

While sophisticated software tools exist within the automotive industry, most of these have to be installed onto dedicated computers. This leads to limited off-site collaboration during the design process and difficulty sharing technical data and computational models among team members. PowertrainLive’s cloud-based structure means your company can avoid the complex software tool acquisition process that includes getting IT approval, organizing internal resources to deploy the software, and dealing with FlexLm licensing and dongles.


           The automotive industry is seeing fast changes in technology. PowertrainLive, with its global accessibility, standard correlated models for hybrids/EVs and its de-coupled analysis solver, helps you stay in lock-step with the fast changing landscape.



Sudhi Uppuluri is the Technical Director and Co-Founder at Computational Sciences Experts group. He has over 15 years of experience in system simulation of automotive and aerospace systems. He worked as a consulting engineer and sales manager at Flowmaster USA for 8 years. He has various technical publications on related subjects in SAE and AIAA journals. He holds a Masters in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Certificate in Strategy and Innovation from the MIT Sloan School of business.

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